Residential – Double Bay

Proposed new multi residential project in Double Bay comprising of 24 apartments. The design is highly considered in both use of materiality and form, and in responding to its built form context. The use of traditional arched windows, together with the materiality of the existing 4 story brick and sandstone residential building, was our reference and design inspiration.

The light and non-dominant face brick colours chosen for the building reinforces the residential typology, is sympathetic and integrates well with its context. The overall architectural composition of the building is set up to provide for a darker brick base on the lowest level, lighter brick with curvilinear building elements in the middle levels, whilst the upper level is recessed and finished in a lightweight metal cladding. The breakup establishes an appropriate modulation and grouping of form, commensurate with the surrounding granularity of built form.


Multi Residential


In Progress


  • Andreas Antoniades
  • Con Kallos
  • Silvia Xing
  • Winston Liew

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